czwartek, 18 kwietnia 2013

Mutant Death Cult Assasin and Redemptionist WIP

Here are some WIPs from my table. 
                                   First is a lady. She is death cultist but of no pure breed. Twist they say but newer to her face! Is she an agent of the Throne in the service of more radical Inquisitor or silent assassin ? Only time will tell... She need mor work and purpose..

Second is man of the pure blood and pontificating flame. Redemptionist and a witch hunter. He is a backbone of Witch hunter warband and scourge of many unclean and witch..

wtorek, 9 kwietnia 2013

Necromunda =I=munda Watch - Victoria miniatures

Another set of great miniatures in waste of the Imperium stylization. Those are being produced by Victoria miniatures by talented Victoria Lamb..They should be compatible with GW plastics and will retail for 50$
Victoria miniatures 

niedziela, 7 kwietnia 2013

Exarch * Egzarcha

Eldar were my first love in miniature wargaming.
When I saw those fabulous Jes Goodwin original Aspect warriors in WD 127 I fell in Love with them instantly.
I played them a lot in 2nd edition and for some time in 3rd, but I was disappointed and bored by Gav Thorpe 3rd ed Eldar Codex. It lacked spark It had in the past, and new models that replaced Goodwins originals were of inferior quality (with exception of Banshees).
I switched to their evil kin and played Dark Eldar till i lost interest in 40K.  Ive never had endurance nor patience ( nor money) to paint lot of them, and my painting was much less rafined, so I did not have mases of models from 2nd edition but It used very small armies by today standards. Now I had not really played any 40k for many years but I buy a Eldar model from time too time (mostly older stuff bu I quite like modern Aspect warriors too).
Most of the time they do not put a spell on me like old Jes Goodwin models but I really like some of them.

This is Dire Avenger Exarch Ive bought cheaply (and sprayed blue). I wanted to try few glazing techniques and two days later here he is. My first fully painted Eldar model since 2000 :) I like the effect although I will probably add some little runes to empty spaces on his galaxy banner and some snow to his base. Overall I am really happy with his color scheme (it looks better in real life) and with some variation is easily maintained so I started to repaint and finish my guardians and Farseer..


Ive added dark (bad lighted) pic  because its cool :)

czwartek, 4 kwietnia 2013

To horn or not to horn ? / Ogonek czy nóżka ??

 I am a man who took decision quickly.. unless they are what pizza to order decisions. But Ive been paralyzed in the past with inability to decide for a paint scheme for an army.. But I was fast to make my conversions and picking parts and poses for my miniatures.. Till Now.. I am frozen .. I cant decide I prefer this guy with a horn and 4 eyes head or with a hair and high forehead variant.. Thats killing me..
(He is WIP, those NMM gold are killing me, but I stopped until I will decide :>
am a man who took decision quickly.. unless they are what pizza to order decisions. But Ive been paralyzed in the past with inability to decide for a paint scheme for an army.. But I was fast to make my conversions and picking parts and poses for my miniatures.. Till Now.. I am frozen .. I cant decide I prefer this guy with a horn and 4 eyes head or with a hair and high forehead variant.. Thats killing me..
(He is WIP, those NMM gold are killing me, but I stopped until I will decide ;)

Normalnie nie mam problemu z decyzyjnością (prócz wybierania pizzy.. i okazjonalna nieumiejętnością wyboru koloru armii :) Ale nigdy nie miałem problemów z montowaniem modeli i konwertowaniem.. A tu klops.. Zupełnie nie mogę się zdecydować czy wolę go z rogami i 4 oczków czy z futrem i wysokim czołem.. ;/

wtorek, 2 kwietnia 2013

FAPLA mortar battery / Moździerze FAPLA !

Here is follow up to my FAPLA unit from Here. As I said there they have uniforms that could be either Portugal or Cuban Grey lizard, but Portugal camo was very popular they could really be any combatants in  part of Africa south of an equator.
Ewen Koevoet units and soldiers of 32 battalion on COININ mission could us similar camouflage. As can FRELIMO, ZIPRA and ZINLA or many other forces both regular and guerrilla.. Battery of 4 Mortars.

To dodatek do moich Angolskich FAPLA sprzed tygodnia. Bateria moździerzy. Dzięki kamuflażami pomiędzy portugalskim a kubańskim mogliby służyć w zasadzie dowolnej armii lub guerilli na południe od równika. Od cieszącego się zła sława Koevoetu z Afryki Południowo zachodniej prze 32 batalion w Angoli, po Mozambickie FREELIMO czy Rodezyjskie/Zimbabwańskie ZIPRA i ZANLA.