sobota, 19 października 2024

Frostgrave season again! Genie against the world

 We started Frostgrave (one of my top favorite games) season again!

So I will drop photos of final game of previous season we played in June in anticipation of yesterdays game worth of photos and mini report I will post soon.

So here we are in Genie mission from the rulebook.

Surprise Surprise the Gennie manifested from the first lamp touched!

And instantly dropped dead my thieve who had bad luck of summoning it.
(I have to make lamp token and replace with it regular treasure that summons that bastard)

Then fun started when my Ogre walet (Bear companion) stopped pumpkin gobbo.

That appeared to be much more dangerously than his stature suggested... -1 walet

Then Insanely deadly wolfpack ambushed and  bonked my Apprentice and later the Templar sent to help him..

To then rush against strangely Pumpkin wizard himself

That shown to be a wolf mistake

But after I won great melee against the devil in the middle of the board (poor Templar last
 achievement before becoming wolf munch) 

Rest of my band was kicked down from the ruins to their demise

But then in epic showdown, Pumpkin wizard blasted me with vile spell that I redirected with my trusty hammer and recounted with exact same elemental bolt smiting that evil creature into the smithereens!

VICTORY to the Enchanted crowd!

Bonus photo: Cthulhu looking with satisfaction as infernal pumpkin crossbow sniper is being Genied.

niedziela, 13 października 2024

Gellerpox Mutants

 Long overdue finished rest of the Gellerpox Infected (big guys and some gribbles left. I hope to finish whole group soon as they were gathering dust in semi colored state since I got them in 2018...

With kiddies from previous post

And some in action shots with models lying around
Lars Croft ambushed

Van Saars cleanup operation

wtorek, 8 października 2024

Restart 24 some Munda

 Lets put some photos here for 2024 reactivation attempt.

I've finished some Van Saar models lately

More photos in next post but here is leader as a teaser. I am quite happy how he ended.

And some Gellerpox finished long time ago but photographed to motivate me to finish some more

Squid just want to Squidgame you!

niedziela, 24 września 2023

Battletech 2023 update


Finished mechs with decals at last.

Decals are Fighting Piranha. Quite archaic page but great service

1st Marik Militia

Damn Jade Falcon clanners

More to come

środa, 20 września 2023

SicSuchedniów 2023

 We gathered recently to play large multiplayer battle. Attack on Szomor (Hungary) during Konrad I operation in early 1945. Battle was long and bloody and finished close to a historical result with German forces capturing Szomor itself but being unable to clear and move through pair of hills that dominated terrain. Here are some photos of this beautiful looking game (Thanks mostly to Fromhold terrain making and painting skills )

Here is layout and the city with towering hills.

Roads to Szomor

Hills visible over the town

First victim

Szomor panorama with Filip deploying Russian tanks

Objectives from the German perspective

Here are some photos from the game without coherent narrative.

German assault on the city starts.
City from the top of a hills (Russian perspective), Both flank of German attack clearly visible with infantry and tanks on the left flank and fight in the city with gepanzert grenadiers in the support on the left German flank. Russian trenches and pakfront visible close to the hills.

Russian pakfront

Armored reinforcements
Wave after wave after wave

Bloody tank battle at the city outskirts

Tank battle ended close to mutual destruction

But Germans took the church and city center after bloody fight

Bloody house to house fighting

Pz IVs in the mud

City was cleared but at high cost in life and armor

My forces used in battle

Fromhold beautiful winter Germans with  dice rolling mug that added greatly to German successes in tank combat (and was awarded Iron cross)

As a bonus Fromhold's cute doggo

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