That day came ! This is my first ever venture into Napoleonic period.. I like color, i like Nepoleon, and where i live we don't call him an Ogre.. we cal Wellington an Ogre - Ok that was attention whorish.. In reality..we don't care about Wellington nor peninsular campaign(Although we thrashed English at Fuengirola :) but Eastern campaigns.. So my oponent army will be Austro-Hungarian, Prussian or Russian (I haven't decided yet what my second will be.. But for sure my first army had to be French.. as all good people say.. Vivle la Emperreur.. !!
Meet General Fromholdeau and his first battalions of Ligne Infantry..
As we all know God is on the side of big battalions.. mine had 60 men each :>
Models are Oddział Ósmy 1:600 Nepoleonic line (sold by Pico Armor in the English speaking world) And they are little wonders.. and paint surprisingly fast and easy.
ANd thats how they look en masse !
To give you a better measur of the size of my little regiment i gibve you silly scale comparision
With 15mm tank (Zvezda)
Its not kind of welcome party in Moscow we expected !! |
6mm theurophoroi based on the same 40*20 DBX base (Baccus)
Easy prey to muskets and bayonett charge |
Wargamer 15mm cavalry
Allies really |
Wiking Jarl AEwulf (Gripping Beast plastics)
Because he stood near.. |
And no size comparison is not full without space marine from you know who.. Do not Fear Fromholdeu will prevail.. |