I am a man who took decision quickly.. unless they are what pizza to order decisions. But Ive been paralyzed in the past with inability to decide for a paint scheme for an army.. But I was fast to make my conversions and picking parts and poses for my miniatures.. Till Now.. I am frozen .. I cant decide I prefer this guy with a horn and 4 eyes head or with a hair and high forehead variant.. Thats killing me..
(He is WIP, those NMM gold are killing me, but I stopped until I will decide :>
am a man who took decision quickly.. unless they are what pizza to order decisions. But Ive been paralyzed in the past with inability to decide for a paint scheme for an army.. But I was fast to make my conversions and picking parts and poses for my miniatures.. Till Now.. I am frozen .. I cant decide I prefer this guy with a horn and 4 eyes head or with a hair and high forehead variant.. Thats killing me..
(He is WIP, those NMM gold are killing me, but I stopped until I will decide ;)
Normalnie nie mam problemu z decyzyjnością (prócz wybierania pizzy.. i okazjonalna nieumiejętnością wyboru koloru armii :) Ale nigdy nie miałem problemów z montowaniem modeli i konwertowaniem.. A tu klops.. Zupełnie nie mogę się zdecydować czy wolę go z rogami i 4 oczków czy z futrem i wysokim czołem.. ;/