piątek, 20 marca 2015

1:600 1st Battalion of Guard Hussards Regiment - 1st Zeeland Brigade

I have long standing troubles with photographing my 1:600 models but I haven't updated Blog for so long that I decided that something finished need to be shown :>
So here is Guard Hussards battalion of Danish Zeeland Brigade from the 80 ties.
Its Heavy battalion of Zeeland Brigade with 30 Centurion tanks.
Other 3 combat battalions have either only 10 tanks (one company) or don't have tanks at all (reserve battalion of truckborne infantry)
One base in spearhead represent around 5 tanks so Danish weak companies are 2 stand each.

So Here are they Hussards of the guards (Blue strips are place holder for company number, emblem and battalion and brigade symbols - but I haven't found them all yet ;( unfortunately so they are still waiting)
3 companies of 6 Centurion tanks,

Mechanized company in M113

2 mortar batteries (one truckborne and secon self propeled on M113)

two TOW batteries (M113 and car mounted),

Recce platoon and HQ.

Strange and big battalion ready to take my Poles of 7 Beachlanding Division on Zeelenad somewhere in the 80 ties :>

Now in works 2. Battalion, DLR Danish Life Regiment - Its very similar in composition but switches numbers of tank companies and mechanized companies (1 Centurion company and 3 Mechanized).

6 komentarzy:

  1. Bardzo fajnie to wygląda. Nie jestem zwykle przekonany do trawki elektrostatycznej w połączeniu z "600-kami" ale tu wyszły jak realistyczne zarośla.

  2. Dzieki :)
    Z twoich palców to cenny komplement.
    Wygląda to na żywo ciut lepiej niż na zdjęciach.
    jest też drobna konwersja bo nie robisz duńskich wozów dowodzenia :P

    Trawka się nie nadaje, ale właśnie te kępki ujdą jako jakaś duza wiklina, albo coś podobnego. idealnie docelowo miały być w kleju i listki z czegoś posypane, ale nie znalazłem czego - potrzeba mi czegoś w stylu sztucznego śniegu posypkowego ale w zielonym kolorze. który by się odróżniał od koloru posypki trawy lezącej na ziemi.

  3. Your bases are really excellent! What did you use to create the tiny wall on one of them?

  4. Thanks,

    Bases were planned to make company matching mini dioramas, so they are made in pairs.
    Vegetables/flower rows are very easy to paint and look quite interesting.
    I recommend experimenting with empty bases - its easier to come up with the idea what could it be on them, but that depends on when you glue your tanks.

    Wall is made from thin plasticard (scraps lying around after some work).
    It was hard to come up with what could be on the field in Denmark (avoiding the houses)

  5. Very nice.
    Go ad take them all the Legos! ;)


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