Somewhere in the Sulphur Wastes.. |
As an opposition for my wild mutants of the Sulphur wastes here come techniknights of Patalonia. best of the best of the Felburgh elite. With their ancient archaic power armors Sir Lodovico the Fist and Sir Rolf the Wofl. Both knights have their patron saints and their symbols were taken as a personal heraldry and the Icon for their Ordonance Lances as no knight could quest alone, especially without people to support and service their power armors..
Sir Lodovico the Fist is leader of Questing knights of Fellburgh, He travels into the Wastes to fights mutants and witches and other enemies of the Fellburgh. Real hero of the land..
Accompany him Sir Rolf the Wolf, aggressive and reckless youngest of the questing knights.
Here are all Fellburghians I've made so far, some of the WIPS.
next: more mutants and Ordonance Lances of the both knights..