I am verry happy with their performances even despite the tournament being smallish :P
So here is the victorious band
Leader Skritch Spiteclaw
and his (and mine) obviously favorite objective card
Krrk, The almost trusted, second in command
And 3 lowly but plentiful skaven of Skritch swarm

Lurking Skaven
Festering skaven
and finally Hungering skaven
The three are kinda generic skavens that Skritch can summon to the battle when their previous iterations will die (and they will die trust me), unless Skritch die first - then everyone die :)
This is a glass cannon warband but I love their game play. So far my favorite band from the 12 released for Warhammer Underworlds.
and finally Ive added some red to my Orktober Orks because they feel to monochromatic
Great models but always remember that: