I finally finished my last year built of Kaas the lamp lighter. protagonist of Necromunda novel Junktion. Grim and down to earth character whose day job was maintaining lightning system around underhive shanty town of Juntion and roads leading to it. hard job for hardy people. I started to built him in January IIRC. Soon rules for hangers on were released so he will not by just random citizen with lamp but playable character. Gang look out give bonus to gangs in scenarios using sentries - surely due to good lighting of the premises watched over..
I love idea of those Hangers on. They are not normally deployed during the games but could be cached loitering around when gang home turf is attacked. GW haven't released models for any hangers on yet (but some were previewed) but IMHO its much more interesting to built your own. Additionality to being hanger on he will be member of my Hive dwellers usable in some scenarios when Gangs fight inside of settlement.

He started life as Perry plastic XV century mercenary, but equipped with Victrix Napoleonic backpack, lamp (using his original pike :) ) and portable ladder Ive built from plasticard he is ready to light the lamps in the underhive.
IIRC head is from Frostgrave cultist sprue.
And whole bunch of Hive dwellers I built (some of them still WIP - they take me a loong time :)
Left to right: Old pro - pit slave emeritus (originally member of my trade caravan), pair of Goliath workers off duty (I built them ages ago to test what can I do with old Necromunda plastics), water seller servitor, Kaas and some poor fella that fought the law but the law won (originally slave from the same trader caravan that old pro came) I need mor of them..
40k civilians are really useful for any narrative scenario but hard to come by.