Last week was a really bad time, so Ive decided to make post to take my mind of the outgoing hell and photograph some miniatures at last.
Meet Chicken's 9 my first finished Stargrave crew (I am yet to play as I write this lines). Its obviously starting crew and crew that started strangely. I wanted to make some kind of Trailer Park Boys characters for NPC and low level scum. And these boys were born!
First came Rick and Julian
Accompanying him is Julian character that was random star biker type that was meant to be random starport thug till I made them a Bubbles by accident after finally (damn brexit) getting Stargrave plastics. As both of his larger friends had an alcoholic beverages adding him a six pack of star beer seems natural. I looked at those guys and knew that they were good!
In gaming terms they are three Troopers/Sentries with automatic weapon and a some kind of armor but without fancy equipment.
And I liked them so much that I decided to make full blown crew of shady characters
. Ive decided to give them boys some extra with drug dealer styling and this guy was born, pistol armed ratty rogue with mysterious suitcase.. he may be a cracker or a hacker or just plain runner.. lets say he is as expendable as multi purpose :> Model is Ghost archipelago crewmen with skaven head and Stargrave arms.
Rest of the crew is more random and not abusing (I might went with full 8 abusers in the future and repurpose them to a full blown band but for now they are accompanied by strange alien twins
Rest of the crew is more random and not abusing (I might went with full 8 abusers in the future and repurpose them to a full blown band but for now they are accompanied by strange alien twins
Stargrave crew (at least at the beginning of its career) needs a ligher armed troopers with some degree of specialization so here are Hacker specialising in Windows :) and chiseller. Some say they are bunch of thieves but nobody catched them so doesn't count! Pair is practically vanilla SG crew models - those box are very cool.
And he is accompanied by Doggo commando
So this is Chickens 8th but he need second in commend. Sinister Dr Monkey was build by pure accident but this space archeologist/tomb robber works well with an unsavory crew. He was built by combining Wargames atlantic halfing I got for making wargaming survey and Frostgrave arms with Necromunda Arbites silly giant gun. I love him. He might lead his own rougish crew in the future.

And finally, The Man (chicken) himself. Captain Sinister Chicken.
Much more heroic character than his fellow crewmen but in hard times one have to recruit based on availability not on a merit and great cv..
Truly a band of brothers :>