czwartek, 13 lutego 2025

Warlord Epic Micro transfer - are they worth it?

 Short answer is Yes.

Long answer

I considered them a gimmick, not because they are small (I use smaller decals on my BallteMechs, but because you need a lot for one base..

But after tests, Yes, They take some work but are totally worth it. effect is great.

I did my own shield on Spanish Celtibres but they were mostly geometric or random and are not perfectly symmetrical but they work ok.. Symbols and pictograms are impossible for me to do in a way that would not make me angry in 20 copies per base.

And those Warlord decals do the job greatly.

Selection is questionable so far, it would be quite easy to make it better but they are great addition and I hope for universal hoplite style decal sheets when they release inevitable Greeks.

Final answer: Needs some work but are almost perfect. Need more difficult art. 9/10

piątek, 13 grudnia 2024

Scrum at Castellum Xardasorum or learning the Lion Rampant again

 First time trying Rampant since covid in 2020... 

One day in northern Galia unit of Limitanei was warned about Goth warband heading to peaceful settlement of Castellum Xardasorum. They stand vigilantly awaiting for mobile army of Comes Mattias  Xardasus

Comes Matias Xardassus followed fast with his comitatus to relieve the village.
But smelly barbarians of Grzulf Desperatus were faster.
With heavy Goth cavalry in the front.

Xardassus rushed his cavalry but the infantry were slow to react.

Gothic heavy infantry stormed otward the village
But wave after wave of smelly furry goths break back from valiant limitanei varriors.
Untill Xardassus himself rode the rest of the goths down with charge of his companions.
Castellu Xardasorum ancient family villa of Xardasus was saved.
And Goths fate hung in the ballance... 

With some troubles (searching for info in 2nd ed rule book is much more difficult that in little blue book of the past. And we played badly because of it - you need to read the rules in full before playing... doh. Despite that game gave very nice flow and intresting results. And I was able to put my late Romans for the first time to the table. Sadly germans were proxied by Vikings with Irish mercenaries but I will work on acquiring more Germanics in the following year.

Next late roman game will be a Dux Britaniarum testing.

czwartek, 5 grudnia 2024

Liar of the White Worm in Frostgrave

 Soooo giant worm scenario from Rulebook.. We never played it so it was natural choice and I had worm bought many (like 5?) years ago just for this scenario... SO tit was natural fit for a start of the new campaign... Right?

Sooooooo naturaly it showed up and ate my thief in the second turn,,,

Hugh Grant the Soothsayer with his retinue

his Apprentice not MarrySue (dont get attached to her.. spoilers!)

And on the other worm side loomed evil Baba Jaga the Witch.. She had returned to wreak terror again!
Played by Amanda Donohoe for sure...

Later that turn after some transposing Ive claimed first treasure 

and Immortal Wraith appeared (no magic weapon nor spell on the table) followed by a Imp after my second treasure...

while Worm chomped on some enemy thug

Then Hugh Grant pulled his single useful thing the whole game and Dominated enemy InfantryLady and forcing her to axe enemy Woman at arms and challenge Baba Jaga herself sadly in the face of the She Devil herself she lost her conviction and dispelled my sorcery..!

Rest of the game was split between evading Immortal wraith of Doom...

And getting smacked by Baba Jagas cutthroaty ladies and Worm 
And then Baba Jagas cutthroats killed the worm too (haha.. you should attack them not me stupid invertebrate!!)

Culminating in successful giant axe swing at the old hag which she shrugged off at 1 hitpoint... till Templarette with larger axe surprised my dude from the back.

And then in a giant twist...

Another Immortal Wraith of Doom appeared and ganged up on me...

In a last heroic ditch effort my Infantrywoman was able to fight the wraiths till my band evacuated but what was not captured on the photo sadly.. NotMarry Sue attempted to throw a grenade at them and enemy thieve threatening Hugh Grant and failed blowing up herself to smithereens.. sadly there were nothing left of her and Hugh had to spent whole haul he managed to get for a new Apprentice and missing warriors.

Liar of the Whith Worm 1/10 dont recommend!
Its a silly place...

sobota, 19 października 2024

Frostgrave season again! Genie against the world

 We started Frostgrave (one of my top favorite games) season again!

So I will drop photos of final game of previous season we played in June in anticipation of yesterdays game worth of photos and mini report I will post soon.

So here we are in Genie mission from the rulebook.

Surprise Surprise the Gennie manifested from the first lamp touched!

And instantly dropped dead my thieve who had bad luck of summoning it.
(I have to make lamp token and replace with it regular treasure that summons that bastard)

Then fun started when my Ogre walet (Bear companion) stopped pumpkin gobbo.

That appeared to be much more dangerously than his stature suggested... -1 walet

Then Insanely deadly wolfpack ambushed and  bonked my Apprentice and later the Templar sent to help him..

To then rush against strangely Pumpkin wizard himself

That shown to be a wolf mistake

But after I won great melee against the devil in the middle of the board (poor Templar last
 achievement before becoming wolf munch) 

Rest of my band was kicked down from the ruins to their demise

But then in epic showdown, Pumpkin wizard blasted me with vile spell that I redirected with my trusty hammer and recounted with exact same elemental bolt smiting that evil creature into the smithereens!

VICTORY to the Enchanted crowd!

Bonus photo: Cthulhu looking with satisfaction as infernal pumpkin crossbow sniper is being Genied.
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